Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Skill #1: Planning

Where attained: backyard and house
SAE Time: 5 hours

Birdhouses are similar to any other house. There's a roof, walls, a doorway, and materials to cover the house to protect from the environment. My goal this year was to make a birdhouse that's easy to make with materials found at home.
Sample Birdhouse
The first thing I did was research on what the birdhouse should look like. Using the Internet, I saw many different types of birdhouses, and I chose the simplest-looking design. I didn't want to buy any materials, so I only used things that I could find in my house and outside my backyard. I made a plan to gather all the necessary materials to make an eco-friendly birdhouse.

An Oxyclean box was a right size and shape for the frames. To protect from rain, I planned to cover the frame with some household tape and cover it with tree branches I found in my backyard. The plan was to use a hot glue gun to glue the branches all around the house.

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